Condo Adviser Episode 38: Tenants in condos

71 minutes de lecture
27 mars 2023

Gowling WLG speakers:

Cohabitation between owners occupying their units, those leasing them out and tenants is not always easy. As a result, there has been an increasing number of condo cases involving tenants. What most of these cases bring to light is the overlapping but conflicting legislation regulating condos and that regulating tenancies. Are there different classes of citizens in CondoLand?

This on-demand webinar covers the following topics:

  • Rights and obligations of landlords, tenants and condos
  • Enforcement involving tenants
  • Which court to go to: Superior court, Condo Tribunal or landlord and tenant board
  • Mandatory information to be provided about tenants
  • Short-term rentals
  • Can tenants attend AGMs?
  • Can tenants seek condo records?
  • Can tenants commence a CAT application?
  • Termination of leases and eviction
  • Recent cases


  • Rod Escayola (Gowling WLG)
  • Graeme MacPherson (Gowling WLG)
  • David Plotkin (Gowling WLG)
  • Debbie MacEwen (Condo Management Group)

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