Diversonomics Season 3, Episode 6 | Making an ally: How to capitalize on your discomfort zone

19 minutes de lecture
29 novembre 2018

Allyship isn't always a walk in the park. Have you ever wanted to be an ally to someone or to a group but feared infringing on or taking up space in that particular marginalized community? How do you find the balance between getting involved and being potentially reduced to a more vulnerable role within an affinity group?

Take a listen to the final episode of Diversonomics season 3. Our host Roberto Aburto sits down with Gowling WLG associate lawyer and future co-host of Diversonomics season 4, Cindy Kou, to discuss the meaning and challenges of allyship, lobbying for Charter rights, and why open conversations surrounding allyship are crucial.

Episode tip

"Sometimes there's a tension for allies who are hesitant, because maybe there's a sense of guilt, or embarrassment or discomfort about engaging or getting involved." - Cindy Kou, associate lawyer, Gowling WLG Canada

Listen to the podcast - Diversonomics Season 3, Episode 6 | Making an ally: How to capitalize on your discomfort zone


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