La cybersécurité et le droit de la protection des données (Balado en anglais)

19 minutes de lecture
27 août 2021

Participant Gowling WLG:

We are now living in a new world of technology and data, which are essential to both a business' operations and its success. However, as innovations move forward the challenges that these assets present will only increase.

In this podcast, Naïm Alexandre Antaki, Gowling WLG partner and member of the firm’s Blockchain & Smart Contracts and FinTech Groups, co-head of the firm’s Artificial Intelligence Group and co-head of the Montréal's Tech group, Sherry Truong, Privacy Counsel at Asana and Luigi Bruno, Senior Engineer (Privacy Technology Leader) in the Group Privacy Operations at IKEA and Doctoral Candidate at the Faculty of Law at McGill University discuss privacy law - specifically cyber security and data protection.

Digital data security padlock with binary code


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Participant Gowling WLG

Participant Gowling WLG

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