The Employment Lifecycle through a SMCR lens: episode 7 - investigations

21 minutes de lecture
10 mars 2021

Getting to grips with the changes that have been brought in as a result of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) for all FCA regulated businesses is not easy.

In a series of six podcasts, we've brought together our employment and financial regulation experts to simplify this area and explain clearly what those working within legal, risk, compliance, HR and operations need to think about at each stage of the employment cycle when it comes to complying with the SMCR.

This is a bonus episode where we discuss running an effective investigation in an SMCR context.

Listen to the podcast - The Employment Lifecycle through a SMCR lens: episode 7 - investigations


Missed our other episodes? Listen to:

  • Episode 1 where we explore all things recruitment
  • Episode 2 where we look at issues arising during employment
  • Episode 3 where we discuss the topical area of whistleblowing
  • Episode 4 where we explore issues arising on termination of employment
  • Episode 5 where we look at the importance of well-being to create a healthy workplace
  • Episode 6 where we the look at present question of culture

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