Série de balados sur l'énergie canadienne, épisode 4 : Les investissements dans l'hydrogène (disponible en anglais)

24 minutes de lecture
16 juin 2022

In the fourth episode of the Canadian Energy Podcast Series, JJ Traynor, managing partner of HydrogenOne Capital LLP and Stephen Bowman, principal associate at Gowling WLG (UK) along with host Lorne Rollheiser, partner and head of Gowling WLG's Oil & Gas Group, discuss the momentum that is building in the hydrogen industry related to capital investments in the UK and in Canada.

The panel covers how the clean energy transition, the push to improve air quality worldwide and the increasing concern over energy security have contributed to an increase in clean energy and hydrogen investments in the UK and Canada.

closeup of water molecule


About the Canadian Energy Podcast Series

In this podcast series, we explore how Canada's energy industry is evolving, the new opportunities that are emerging and assess Canada's position in these markets.

View more episodes in the series »

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Énergie, technologies propres