Protectionism: A new era

3 minutes de lecture
17 décembre 2020

New protectionist measures are continuing to populate the global trading environment. Businesses and markets now face a range of issues including the trade war between the US and China, an increase in populism and nationalism, cross border data flows, digitalisation, a limited access to capital, and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic.

This report provides an updated analysis of the unfolding protectionist landscape, exploring the challenges it raises. Several datasets were analysed to produce our global protectionism heat map and identify trends in protectionist interventions and broader trade policy. This was supported by a comprehensive literature review of reports and articles to contextualise these data-driven trends.

In our latest report, we explore:

  • the countries with the highest and lowest levels of restrictive measures;
  • the countries most affected by protectionist trade policy;
  • how the US and China are driving protectionist policy globally;
  • access to capital and the increasing of populism internationally;
  • emerging frontiers and how technology is at the heart of trade wars; and
  • actions and next steps for businesses in 2021 and beyond.

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Commerce international, Protectionism