Dr Luke Kempton
Of Counsel
Biologics and biosimilars innovation and production is on the rise. But how is this affecting intellectual property (IP) trends and patent litigation?
As the biologics market continues to expand, patent litigation is also increasing. Our report 'Patent litigation trends: the future of biologics and next generation therapies' examines what we're likely to see in the next few years in this industry and how litigators can prepare for the increase of innovation in biosimilars and next generation therapies.
Our Life Sciences team and global IP lawyers teamed up with Life Sciences IP Review to survey those at the forefront of the biologics and next generation therapies industry to better understand the emerging trends in IP law. The findings share companies' own experiences with these complex molecules, the issues they present and the pattern of litigation arising.
In this report, we compare our own perceptions of the industry with those of companies at the forefront of these developments. Our findings focus on what litigators currently do when faced with patent claims in cases involving biosimilars and biologics, as well as what trends they expect to see in future patent disputes.
Through exploring the current situation and individual predictions for the future, our study gives you valuable insight into the following:
To find out more about patent litigation for biologics and next generation therapies, enter your details below to download our report.
Whether small molecules, biologics, medical devices or a whole range of other patent types, our Life Sciences team has the technical expertise to guide you through the unique challenges you face throughout your life cycle. Our life sciences and IP lawyers are highly commended in The Legal 500 as the 'go-to names for patent licensing' as well as recognition for their work with world-leading companies in patent infringement cases.
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