Intellectual property defence strategies

60 minutes de lecture
03 janvier 2017

This seminar is part of the 2016 Gowling WLG Risk to Reward series, designed to address the most important legal, regulatory and corporate risks facing your organization.

About this seminar

Patent filings and lawsuits have hit all-time records in recent years. In a marketplace where employees are highly mobile, and data and company secrets are easily transmitted, there is a significant need for organizations to have strong measures in place to reduce the risk of losing intellectual property assets. This seminar will address current and practical strategies for building a patent portfolio, and defensive strategies for reducing enforcement risks and preventing loss of valuable intellectual property.


This seminar counts for up to 1 hour of Substantive Credit under the CPD rules of the Law Society of Upper Canada, up to 1 hour of CPD credit under the rules of the Law Society of British Columbia and up to 1 hour of CLE credit under the rules of the Barreau du Québec.


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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Propriété intellectuelle