Jian Xu
Managing Director
Head of IP Prosecution, China; IP Attorney, Patent and Trademark Attorney
Jian Xu : Hi, my name is Jian Xu, I am a Chinese IP attorney based at the firm's Beijing office. When talking about trademarks is always a hot and difficult topic in China. Ever wonder when to file your trademarks in China? Have you ever devised a Chinese version for your brand? Have you ever been troubled with trademark pirate in China and how to enforce it? To answer all these questions and more, please go to our Go XL new platform and check out my article five basic trademark takes for over 50 companies in China.
Now that China is home to the second biggest economy in the world, few companies can resist its allure. In recent years alone, foreign businesses have been increasingly clambering over one another to get a foothold in what has become a rapidly expanding market.
In spite of the opportunities China presents, the Chinese commercial landscape is notoriously difficult to navigate for foreign entrants and poses a number of serious challenges — perhaps none so daunting as intellectual property protection. Foreign companies must develop a thorough understanding of China's trademark protection and enforcement regime, or alternatively seek outside counsel. Failure to do so can be an extremely risky proposition for any business.
To help you avoid potential obstacles, here are five things you need to know about trademark protection in China:
Similarly, it's important to note that China offers trademark holders a full suite of enforcement actions, including administrative raids, customs seizure, civil litigation actions, trade fair complaints, online take-downs and criminal prosecution.
In conclusion, with a burgeoning middle class with money to spend, China provides exciting opportunities for foreign companies looking to invest or distribute in the Far East. However, it's essential that such companies take adequate steps to first educate themselves on China's intellectual property regime, and solicit outside help as necessary.
With offices in Beijing and Guangzhou, along with a far-reaching network of local counsel and private investigators, our team in China provides rapid, strategic advice for IP filing and prosecution work. We complement this with formidable strength in IP licensing, enforcement and litigation, so you can ensure your intangible assets remain fully protected in one of the world's fastest growing markets. Learn more about our IP practice in China.
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