Patent 101: A guide to the patent protection process for Canadian SMEs

5 minutes de lecture
19 avril 2021


Patent protection – a form of intellectual property protection – is a legal tool that your business can use to secure and commercialize its inventions. Patent rights prevent competitors from copying your products and services, which, in turn, gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Patents also allow you to generate revenue through their sale and license, as well as increase your valuation in expectation of financing or acquisition.

In this video, Jeff Coles discusses the patent protection process as part of our Patent 101 video series.

At Gowling WLG, our intellectual property practitioners have prepared a Patent Toolkit to help Canadian innovators understand why, when and how to protect their inventions. Download the free Gowling WLG patent toolkit now.

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Brevets, Propriété intellectuelle



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