Arrangements avec les créanciers tiers : les conventions entre créanciers et les ententes de priorité (en anglais)

8 minutes de lecture
23 mai 2023


In earlier videos, we discussed the use of subordination and postponement agreements to protect a senior creditor from vendor take-back lenders and other third-party creditors. In many situations, using a subordination agreement will be sufficient. However, there may be complex deals where that won't be enough to address all of the special features of the deal.

In this video, we discuss:

  • Why this is a useful lender arrangement
  • Custom deal arrangements
  • Five common terms in an agreement

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How we can help

If you have any specific questions about the points discussed or it's specific application, please reach out to our Banking & Finance Group or Richard Dusome.

About the series

Lending rarely involves one bank providing 100 per cent of the financing. In many situations, there are numerous third-party creditors involved in a given transition. With so many stakeholders in play, bankers might have no idea how to legally protect their interest. This series will delve into the "why" and "how" of preparing priority arrangements, all in a language bankers can understand.

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