Retour sur cinq dossiers d'expropriation notables de 2023
(en anglais)

22 minutes de lecture
03 avril 2024

This video explores several significant Canadian expropriation cases from 2023, highlighting important issues and practical takeaways for parties involved in the expropriation process.

The video recap is hosted by John Doherty, partner and leader of the firm's national Expropriation Law Group, and features Gowling WLG professionals Caitlin Milne, Jeremy Sapers, Jonathan Minnes, Mila Badran and Kathy Jiang.

The five cases featured in the video are:

Acting for both expropriated owners and expropriating authorities, Gowling WLG's national Expropriation Law Group applies a creative, practical approach to a range of challenges — from informal negotiations to arbitration proceedings before administrative tribunals, including the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and the courts.

Members of our team are routinely recognized by leading publications, including Best Lawyers in Canada and the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.

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