Gowling WLG has been reappointed to the National Local Government Pension Scheme Framework panel to provide legal services to LGPS Funds and Pools in England and Wales.

The panel appointment includes advising on a full range of services including pensions, investment and property matters. This multi-user, multi-provider framework helps Funds buy a variety of legal services matched to their own specific requirements; from small, one-off pieces of work to longer-term, single supplier arrangements from a wide range of tested providers.

The firm tendered for three lots and were appointed to all, with only five other firms achieving this. The duration of the panel agreement will be for an initial 5 year period with an option to extend for an extra two years.

Paul Carberry, pensions partner at Gowling WLG, said: "We are proud to have been reappointed to the panel- continuing our work on the National Local Government Pension Scheme Framework is a testament to our extremely strong track record of delivering high quality legal services to Government bodies and the wider public sector."

The team was led by Partner, Paul Carberry (Pensions) and Director Jennifer Lewis (Pensions), with extensive support from a cross-firm team including Sharon Ayres (Investments), Mat Kostuch (Investments), Ed Hall (Investments), Matt Walker (Property) and Sally Pinkerton (Property).