Graeme Berry Principal Associate

Parle :  Anglais

Bureau principal :  Birmingham

Bureau secondaire :  London

Graeme Berry

Graeme Berry helps clients to achieve their objectives in real estate transactions on time and within budget, and always with a pragmatic and commercial approach.

Graeme works alongside public and private sector clients in developing real estate assets and focuses on the area of regeneration. He has experience in advising on a range of transactions either for, or linked to, the public sector.

Graeme enjoys working across a range of sectors on property transactions, working within the specialist regeneration team in the wider real estate group. Graeme advises a range of clients in the public sector as well as private developers in the property market.

Graeme's aim when advising clients on regeneration projects is always to bring his experience and learning from all the sectors he works in, or touches upon, to his client to give them the best possible advice.


Government departments, Local Authorities and national house builders and developers.

People who work within, with or alongside the public and house building sectors.


Advising a government department on the disposal of a site as part of an estate rationalisation programme with the benefit of a residential planning permission.

Helping a local authority with the disposal of a site for the development of a new facility, including advising on the land issues, development agreement (conditional on planning and other matters), complicated financing arrangements, lease of the site to the service provider, and transfer of the property at the end of the service contract.

Assisting a transport service provider with a lease and leaseback for a development, and acting on infrastructure protection agreements related to associated assets.

Advising a local authority on the procurement of a major mixed-use development project through a competitive dialogue.

Helping a local authority with the acquisition of the development of a strategic employment site.

Advising numerous local authorities on the full spectrum of mixed-use, housing and regeneration projects.