Molly Hamilton is a summer law student in Gowling WLG’s Montréal office, where she will begin articling in 2026.
Molly has completed her third year of the joint bachelor of civil law and juris doctor (BCL/JD) program at McGill University Faculty of Law. Prior to law school, Molly completed a BA with a major in political science and a minor in women’s and gender studies at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.
During her legal studies, Molly was involved as a student at the Itinerant Legal Clinic, where she helped people experiencing homelessness navigate the legal system, as well as a student volunteer at the Shield of Athena Legal Clinic, providing victims of domestic violence with relevant legal information.
Following her first year of law school, Molly worked at a Montréal law firm specializing in municipal law. After the subsequent academic year, she spent three months in Kenya as part of an internship at a legal clinic.
Prior to beginning her law degree, Molly was involved in the “Women, Peace and Security” program at the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), which is based in Durban, South Africa. In this role, Molly was tasked with implementing a mediation and negotiation capacity-building program for over 180 women in an effort to strengthen local peace-building initiatives.