Vince Gregor
Domaines de pratique
Domaines de pratique
Vince is a paralegal on the Projects and Infrastructure team at Gowling WLG. He has assisted his team on infrastructure and energy projects in the UK, Middle East, Africa and Far East. He has gained experience across many different sectors through his team's work for both public and private sector organisations, including government entities, sponsors, lenders and contractors. Vince supports his team in advising clients on delivering complex high value energy and infrastructure projects - both domestically and internationally.
He has extensive experience of the project management tasks that are crucial to ensuring that legal projects progress smoothly and accurately. He helps the team maintain efficiency and quality in their work. Clients benefit from Vince's strong communication skills – his ability to communicate efficiently and professionally leads to finding the best solutions. He also brings good analytical skills to identify, understand and solve complex issues. He provides well-thought out solutions and takes charge of tasks to ensure that client needs are met and goals are achieved.