Yvonne Maidment General Manager

Parle :  Anglais

Bureau principal :  Hamilton

Yvonne Maidment

Yvonne Maidment is the general manager of Gowling WLG's Hamilton office. In this role, she oversees all non-legal activities within the office, including human resources, finance, office services and facilities.

With over 15 years' experience working in operations and business management at McMaster University, Yvonne has held progressively senior roles such as human resources manager, business manager and director of administration.

Yvonne holds an honours bachelor of commerce, a human resources management diploma and a masters degree in globalization. A strong advocate and promoter of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), Yvonne has completed training in employment equity and Indigenous cultural safety. She has also participated in several working groups and committees that are focused on advancing the representation, recruitment and retention of diverse workforces.