According to Statistics Canada, approximately 23 per cent of Canadian employees worked most of their hours from
home in August 2021 – up from just 4 per cent in 2016.

Remote work: Here to stay

Across many Canadian sectors, remote and hybrid work has become the "new norm." While many businesses began using these measures as a necessary response to public health measures, continued use of these forms of work are often being reflected through the adoption of comprehensive agile/remote working policies or directly in an employment agreement.

Employers who fail to adapt to the changing times may jeopardize their ability to retain and attract top talent. A May 2022 Ipsos survey revealed that one in three (32 per cent) workers would look for another job if their employer required them to work exclusively from an office.

How can employers prepare?

The ability to work outside an office presents a host of new opportunities for employees. For employers, however, the shift to remote work could significantly alter the employment landscape in which they operate - including with respect to employment standards, wages, human rights, health and safety, privacy and cyber security, tax and immigration. We advise employers to consult their legal advisers as soon as possible to learn how to anticipate and manage such risks effectively.

Key dates

December 15, 2020
Canada Revenue Agency announces a simplified process for claiming home office expenses for those forced to work from home due to the pandemic.


March 2020

Several Canadian provinces - including British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec - order the closure of non-essential businesses in response to COVID-19, forcing millions of Canadians to pivot quickly to full-time remote work.