Employees are being encouraged to put their devices away after hours,

and there's a lot to unpack in terms of how this will affect businesses.

What is the Right to Disconnect?

Ontario's Right to Disconnect legislation, introduced last year with the passage of the province's Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021, requires employers with 25 or more employees to develop a written policy for staff regarding disconnecting from work.

The legislation defines "disconnecting from work" as "not engaging in work-related communications, including emails, telephone calls, video calls or the sending or reviewing of other messages, so as to be free from the performance of work."

How can employers prepare?

The deadline for employers in Ontario to complete their written policies was June 2, 2022.

While the legislation itself offers no guidance on what must be included, employers needed to approach the development of their policy with caution, balancing the operational needs of their business with the health and well-being of their employees.

Employers must also consider how they will communicate the terms of their policies with their workforce, so as to avoid any ambiguity.

Ontario Bill 27 Timeline

June 2, 2022
Employers with 25 or more employees to complete a written policy with respect to disconnecting from work.


December 2, 2021
Amendments to employment-related statutes received Royal Assent.


November 25, 2021
Ontario legislature passed, Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021.