Meet our trainees and apprentices

What you can expect

The ins and outs

What can you expect as a trainee, vacation scheme student or apprentice? Here are the ins and outs as our people see them.

The thing that surprises people most is the responsibility for doing real work that we give them.

''You're reading cases, conducting research  and solving problems right from the start''
Vacation scheme student

Similarly, an apprentice feels she's "not slaving through dull and boring admin chores". Likewise, a trainee "operates as a fee earner, looking after my own files and contacting clients directly".


But you're never on your own. Support comes from mentors and supervisors, who even when "really busy, make time to answer questions".

You also get to meet other colleagues: "Networking like that is invaluable. You never know when you might need some help".

Clients offer support too: "Positive client feedback puts everything in perspective. It makes me feel well equipped in my role".


Newcomers tell us we appear very approachable. Perhaps this is caused by our open-door policy and healthy disregard for hierarchy, with "a real feeling that we're all together in the same boat".

This works in our offices across the globe. A trainee, who went on an international secondment, says: "It was challenging, but I really enjoyed the experience".

Our people also get a fresh view on life by getting involved in the firm's commitment to corporate responsibility. For Gowling WLG this is all about making connections and making a difference. Not just to benefit the not-for-profits, individuals and suppliers we work with, but to strengthen relationships with our communities and clients, and for the wellbeing and development of our people.

What our students say

"It's not a case of finishing work and going home. There's a real community here, whether that's going for drinks on Friday night or playing netball for the firm".

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Meet our people