Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared Vehicles

From data protection to social impact, there are several aspects to be considered to make autonomous, connected, electric and shared vehicles (ACES) a reality. We explore the key areas needed to get connected and autonomous vehicles on the road.


Are you data driven?

Our first white paper looks at the importance of data protection.

Is the industry being helped or hindered by data protection regulation? And how will the General Data Protection Regulation influence the sector's progress?


The moral algorithm

Our second white paper discusses how AVs perform in 'moral dilemmas'.

How will a driverless vehicle make a decision when posed with a dangerous situation, and how will this programming be regulated?


Connected and autonomous vehicles: A hacker's delight?

Our third white paper looks at cyber security in connected and autonomous vehicles.

The paper asks whether there is enough collaboration among the manufacturers to share information and adopt best practice procedures when it comes to the cyber security of these vehicles.


Paving the way - Building the infrastructure of the future

Our fourth white paper looks at creating the infrastructure for connected and autonomous vehicles.

The paper discusses the challenges of creating an effective road transport network which will allow CAVs to work to their full potential and calls for both public and private sectors to avoid developing ideas 'behind closed doors'.


Download our exclusive whitepaper, 'owning the road: the impact of IP on the future of mobility'

How are intellectual property (IP) protection and enforcement strategies affecting the automotive industry of the future?


Download our exclusive whitepaper, 'CAVs - Driving Social Change'

What are the potential social impacts of automation, and how and when do local and national government policies need to change to maximise the social benefits of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)?