Listen in as Gowling WLG joins leading global infrastructure and renewables market analysts Inspiratia, to discuss the development of UK subsidy-free renewables projects.

In the first of two special episodes of the Joint Venture podcast, Corporate & Energy partner Gareth Baker sat down with Inspiratia and Barney Coles from renewables investor Capital Dynamics to take stock of the current state of the market.

In this podcast, we explore how COVID-19 has affected ways of working, the impact of reduced power prices and the possible consequences for the UK's development pipeline.

We also assess the tantalising prospect of renewed access for solar and onshore wind to the UK's contracts for difference support framework, and what that might mean for developers, investors and funders who may have concluded that relying wholly on merchant revenue streams locked them out of the market opportunity.

For all this and more, click the link below:

This latest Podcast continues our series with Inspiratia. If you've missed any of the firm's previous energy market discussions, you can catch up using the links below: