Jessica E.M. Boily
COVID-19 has brought upheaval across all industries and sectors of society. While this is no less true with respect to environmental matters, many environmental legal requirements remain in place and require continued compliance, despite challenges faced by companies in Canada. On the other hand, many court proceedings and municipal processes have been suspended. This article sets out some practical guidance on how to navigate both ends of this spectrum.
Any company that runs a facility must ensure that it continues to run in compliance with all applicable environmental permits, licenses and approvals, except where the regulator has explicitly suspended environmental obligations.
Many companies have required dramatic changes in their operations in response to government measures to limit the spread of the pandemic. Many are being forced to suspend operations or have their workforce work remotely, while other are being asked to ramp up production for critical supplies and services. As a result, these facilities may be at risk of operating outside of their mandated capacity. It is important to review all applicable operational requirements to ensure that no limits are being exceeded.
Where exceedances of capacity or limits are found or expected:
In addition to ongoing operational limits, many companies are subject to multiple environmental reporting requirements. In some instances, failure to comply with these requirements may constitute an offence. These reporting obligations can include:
These reporting requirements can be annual, monthly, on a specific date, or on some other schedule.
As of the date of this article, no relief from reporting requirements has been provided by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) in Ontario through either order or guidance.
In Alberta, a Ministerial Order was issued on March 31, 2020 that provides relief from all requirements to report pursuant to approvals, licenses or registrations under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Water Act and the Public Lands Act, except in respect of drinking water facilities. This suspension will be in place until August 14, 2020 or until it is terminated.
Federally, correspondence from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change dated April 2, 2020 indicated that federal environmental laws would not be waived but that Environment and Climate Change Canada would exercise enforcement discretion to take into account any challenges faced by regulated parties due to the pandemic.
Some special considerations in the time of COVID-19 include:
The COVID-19 pandemic has not presumptively changed any requirements to report spills, exceedances or other environmental emergencies or to take action to remedy those issues pursuant to relevant approvals (like an Environmental Compliance Approval) or environmental legislation. The Spills Action Centre is operating as normal and MECP officers are still responding to spills and emergencies in the normal course.
Some special considerations may include:
While the exact measures that governments will take to combat the spread of COVID-19 might be difficult to anticipate, companies should strive to take the following proactive steps to minimize their immediate and long-term risk exposure:
Businesses should also strive to maintain detailed records of all efforts made to achieve and maintain environmental regulatory compliance, including the date on which the recorded activity took place, the individual who undertook the recorded activity, and the date and author of the record. First-hand accounts of compliance efforts should be maintained whenever possible.
Examples of records that should be kept include:
Apart from maintaining regular communication with federal and provincial regulatory bodies in order to address challenges that may arise during COVID-19, businesses should also maintain regular, open communication with employees. Employees should be kept informed about any operational changes that may impact the performance of their duties, including updates to any contingency or operational plans. Employees should also be encouraged to disclose any difficulties that they face in discharging their duties as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
Subject to an Emergency Order under subsection 7.0.2(4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, effective March 24, 2020, all non-essential places of business were ordered to be closed in Ontario. Construction work and services that supported health and safety environmental rehabilitation projects and environmental management, monitoring and spill clean-up and response (including environmental consulting and environmental laboratories) were on the March 24 list of essential businesses and were permitted to remain open.
On April 3, 2020, the Government of Ontario released a reduced list of essential businesses. Businesses that deliver or support the delivery of services, including environmental rehabilitation, management and monitoring, and spill clean up and response remain on the essential list.
We understand from many environmental engineering firms that field and lab work is proceeding, but project management functions are being conducted remotely. To the extent companies anticipate needing work done at facilities or properties, it is a best practice to confirm that the environmental engineering firm is engaging in proper precautions, including self-isolation for staff returning from vacations and exhibiting any symptoms.
We expect some unique considerations during this time to include:
Many litigation matters in Ontario are currently on pause and awaiting further guidance from the courts. On March 15, 2020, a Notice to the Profession was issued advising that only urgent civil, family and criminal matters in the Superior Court of Justice would be heard. The guidance provides that only the following matters are considered to be “urgent”:
An Updated Notice to the Profession was issued on April 2, 2020, which sets out an additional limited set of matters, beyond those identified as “urgent” which will be heard on a region-by-region basis. It is our understanding that non-urgent civil motions, for example, are being rescheduled to dates after August 2020. Proceedings in the Small Claims Court have also been temporarily suspended effective March 16, 2020. All Provincial Offences Act matters before the courts (including environmental prosecutions under provincial legislation) have been adjourned and will be rescheduled. Defendants can expect to receive a notice advising of the new date by mail.
In addition, an Emergency Order under s. 7.1(2) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act has suspended the running of limitation periods in Ontario and has, subject to the discretion of the court, tribunal or other decision-maker responsible for the proceeding, suspended any period of time within which any step must be taken in any proceeding in Ontario established by a statute, regulation, rule, by-law or order of the Government of Ontario.
Subject to this Order, the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) has issued guidance on its website, indicating that in-person hearings are being rescheduled and that front counter services are closed. It has advised that in light of the Emergency Order, if parties (new or current) to a matter before the Tribunal are not able to meet a timeline, the Tribunal will grant extensions. However, the ERT is continuing to conduct teleconference or in writing hearings, mediations and case conferences. This is not surprising in light of the ERT’s normal practices, which include acceptance of electronic filing by case co-ordinators and teleconference hearings.
For further details on the impact on civil litigation in Ontario, see Gowling WLG’s COVID-19 resource page [link].
Some special considerations for those involved in environmental litigation at this time include:
As municipalities themselves attempt to understand their roles and obligations amid the pandemic, many land use planning matters in Ontario have been delayed, suspended, or had a change in process.
Some municipalities are still accepting planning and development applications, but only by courier or by appointment. Others are only processing applications received before mid-March, or are only conducting building inspections of unoccupied sites. Still others have had to postpone the timeline for updating their Official Plan. These changes in process and timelines will affect many projects that are or otherwise would have been in development. With Ontario’s new Provincial Policy Statement set to come into force on May 1, 2020, this setback in timelines will have an effect on what policy will apply to a given proposal.
In addition, there has also been significant delays with respect to matters at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). After originally announcing an adjournment of all matters scheduled between March 16 and June 30, 2020, the LPAT has recently reconsidered its options. Starting April 6, the Associate Chair of the Tribunal will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to lift the suspension to schedule settlement hearings via teleconference or written submission. Parties must submit a request form and, among other factors, must demonstrate how the principle of “social distancing” will be strictly adhered to throughout all steps required to present the settlement to the Tribunal.
The LPAT has indicated that it will continue to consider how it can proceeding with other hearing events via teleconference or in writing.
Some special considerations for those involved in municipal land-use planning matters, include:
Gowling WLG and the Environmental Law team continues to follow changes to legal requirements and proceedings as a result of COVID-19.
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