Naïm Alexandre Antaki
Co-chef Groupe national Intelligence Artificielle | Chef du groupe de droit des sociétés et droit commercial - Montréal
As previously published, the Federal Government tabled Bill C-27 in June 2022, part of which includes the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act ("AIDA"). In past articles, we commented on how AIDA, as presently drafted, contains much uncertainty because those AI systems subject to AIDA, along with the measures the act will impose, are to be defined through regulation at some point in the future.
Recognizing the many sources of uncertainty in AIDA, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada offered insight into the Government's intended approach to AI regulation through its publication of a companion document in March 2023. This document aimed to "reassure actors in the AI ecosystem in Canada that the aim of the AIDA is not to entrap good faith actors or to chill innovation, but to regulate the most powerful uses of this technology that pose the risk of harm."
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada has now published a Voluntary Code of Conduct on the Responsible Development and Management of Advanced Generative AI Systems, which aims to address and mitigate certain risks associated with the use of generative AI. In advance of operational clarity from AIDA and any enacted regulations, this Code identifies measures that firms should apply when developing and/or managing generative AI systems with general-purpose capabilities, as well as additional measures when firms make their AI systems widely available (and therefore subject to a wider range of potentially harmful or inappropriate use).
As part of this voluntary commitment, developers and managers of advanced generative AI systems commit to achieving the following outcomes, based on their respective roles and the use of the AI system.
The Code already has a number of prominent signatories, signalling its importance within the current Canadian framework of generative AI system development and maintenance. The Code may also have some influence on any amendments to the present draft of AIDA. Notably, with Bill C-27 currently before the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology, the Federal Government recently proposed a number of amendments to add structure and specificity to AIDA, including:
Our Artificial Intelligence team is continuing to monitor the development of AIDA and related developments closely. For more information, please contact the authors.
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