Brent J. Arnold
With the increasing presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal field, ethical and confidentiality issues are more significant than ever. This report by The Center – The Voice of the Civil Defense Bar, authored by members of the DRI Center for Law and Public Policy’s AI Working Group and contributors including Brent Arnold from Gowling WLG’s Toronto office, outlines the advantages, considerations, and best practices for using AI in legal practice.
Click the link below to download the full report:
Artificial intelligence in legal practice : Benefits considerations and best practices
About Gowling WLG's Artificial Intelligence Group
Artificial intelligence (AI) law creates new opportunities and challenges traditional business models across many sectors. We offer an international team of experienced, technically strong AI lawyers to help you identify and navigate the practical, legal, regulatory and ethical challenges presented by AI. Learn more about Gowling WLG's Artificial Intelligence Group.
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