Mandats représentatifs
Alectra via Util-Assist invests US$5 million in Grid4C
On January 28, 2020, Grid4C, a worldwide leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning solutions for the energy industry, announced that Util-Assist Inc., a leading professional services and managed services company to North American utilities, had invested US$5 million in Grid4C. As part of the investment, Util-Assist will resell and develop products built on Grid4C's leading AI solutions.
Util-Assist, a recognized innovator in technology and data-driven solutions for utilities, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alectra Energy Solutions Inc., a branch of the Alectra Inc. family of companies. Alectra's family of energy companies distributes electricity to nearly one million customers in Ontario's Greater Golden Horseshoe Area and provides innovative energy solution to these and thousands more across Ontario. The Alectra family of companies includes Alectra Inc., Alectra Utilities Corporation and Alectra Energy Solutions Inc.
Gowling WLG advised Alectra with respect to this investment with a team that included Robert Hull and Cara Stoller (corporate), Jim Longwell (IP) and Paul Carenza (tax).
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