On October 25, 2022, Nunasi Corporation sold its shares in Larga Kivalliq Ltd. to Sakku Investments Corporation for $535,000.

Larga Kivalliq Ltd. operates the Kivalliq Inuit Centre boarding home in Winnipeg which provides medical boarding facilities for 80 patients from the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut. Sakku Investments Corporation (Sakku) is the Development Corporation of the Kivalliq Inuit Association (KIA). 

Under the Nunavut Land Claim Agreement, KIA is a designated Inuit organization which represents the interests of all Inuit living in the Kivalliq Region, with Sakku serving as its 'Business Arm' and deemed an Inuit Birthright Corporation. KIA, based in Rankin Inlet, is one of the three Regional Development Corporations within Nunavut and also a shareholder to Nunasi Corporation. 
Nunasi Corporation is a 100% Inuit-owned development corporation headquartered in Iqaluit, Nunavut.
Gowling WLG advised Nunasi Corporation with respect to this sale with a team that included Alyssa Flaherty-Spence, Martin Roy and Cam Cameron.