Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises Britannia Bud Canada Holdings Inc. on its strategic partnership with a UK laboratory
A transatlantic team from international law firm, Gowling WLG, has advised Britannia Bud Canada Holdings Inc., trading as Britannia Life Sciences (BLS) in respect of its strategic partnership with a UK laboratory services provider.
BLS is a Canadian incorporated wellness company with a focus on the UK and European cannabis markets. It has emerged as an expert in novel food applications and analytical testing relating to CBD and other cannabis-related products.
Laboratory services also include product formulation and development, cosmetic product safety reports, microbiological testing, global compliance and clinical trials for the cosmetic and household goods industry. The partnership is a cornerstone of BLS's strategy to become the leading UK provider of laboratory services and product development support for the cosmetics, food and nutraceutical industries and a key step towards its previously announced proposed listing on the Canadian Securities Exchange in Q2 of 2021, by way of a reverse takeover with Rise Life Science Corp. (CSE: RLSC).
The team from Gowling WLG provided a key advisory role on this transatlantic transaction and financing, with experts from both its UK and Canadian offices working in collaboration on it.
Samantha Myers, head of Gowling WLG's UK Cannabis Group and who led the transaction, commented, "We are delighted to have supported BLS on their move into the fast-growing UK cannabis market with their first partnership in the space. This is an excellent example of our work in the burgeoning global cannabis sector, and demonstrates our ability to gather exactly the right experts from our international offices together, to deliver exactly the right advisory solution required to make transactions like these successful."
Gowling WLG's legal advisory team comprised Charles Bond, Samantha Myers, Alex Davidson, Alistair Connor (Corporate), Zoe Fatchen (Tax), Mathilda Davidson (IP), Kiran Gosal (Employment) in the UK and Lorraine Mastersmith (Securities law) from the firm's Ottawa office.
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