Lifecycle of a smart idea | The genuine article: Developing a global anti-counterfeiting program for the first time

59 minutes de lecture
10 décembre 2020

The availability in the market of counterfeit products can pose a major threat to the brand equity you've worked hard to establish. For organizations, both new and old, that have just begun to consider building a dedicated global anti-counterfeiting program, we know the task can seem daunting at first. Indeed, from identifying "at risk" products to learning how to work with Customs authorities around the world, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Gowling WLG's global Intellectual Property Group is here to help. Join members of our team as together they outline the key considerations that underpin an effective anti-counterfeiting program – one that is tailored to your business, wherever in the world you go.

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LSBC: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour toward the LSBC's CPD requirement

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This is the 11th installment in our Lifecycle of a Smart Idea series, dedicated to helping you maximise opportunity and minimise risk when taking innovative ideas to the global market. Watch more from the series » 

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