Facteurs ESG au Canada pour les investisseurs et les prêteurs (Webinaire en anglais)

62 minutes de lecture
26 octobre 2021

Gowling WLG and Export Development Canada (EDC) hosted an engaging virtual panel discussion focused on Canadian ESG in investing and lending. The panel touches on ESG in the context of our current market, as well as key considerations and upcoming developments in Canadian ESG. Topics included:

  • An overview of the current ESG landscape, and the importance of distinct Indigenous ("I") elements in Canadian ESG discussions and implementation
  • Emerging trends in the Canadian market, such as sustainability linked deals and support for energy transition
  • ESG financial analysis and due diligence, including a focus on growing risks and opportunities tied to "S" factors in supply chains
  • The expanding importance of social and governance considerations in addition to the more common environmental factors, and the over weave of Indigenous consideration in all three
  • Identifying and funding opportunities for start-ups in cleantech, Indigenous and other ventures


  • Elizabeth Burton - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Justine Hendricks - Senior Vice-President and Chief Corporate Sustainability Officer, EDC
  • Lorraine Mastersmith - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Stephen Pike - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Scott Smith - Partner, Gowling WLG

*This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of substantive CPD credits with the LSO, the LSBC and the Barreau du Québec, and may be eligible for up to 1 hour of CPD/CLE credits in other jurisdictions. 

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