Conseils juridiques pour l’expansion de votre société technologique (partie III) : stratégies de financement pour stimuler la croissance
(en anglais)

46 minutes de lecture
22 novembre 2022

For B.C. tech scale-ups ready to take the world by storm, access to capital can prove to be a major, and oftentimes complex, roadblock. To be sure, there is no shortage of financing options – including IPOs, private equity financing, and M&A. However, each carries its own risks and rewards that must be considered carefully in the context of your businesses' growth plan. 

In the final installment of our three-part "Legal tips for your tech scale-ups" series, Tara Amiri-Khaledi and Aimee Halfyard unpack the opportunities and limitations associated with different financing strategies, and provide practical tips to help you determine the optimal path forward for your organization.

Topics include:

  • Organizing your company for financing success
  • Venture Capital, Private Equity and Private M&A options
  • Going Public Transactions

Watch previous episodes

This is the final installment in our Legal tips for your tech scale-up three-part miniseries. Watch more from the series »

CPD information

This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of substantive CPD credits with the LSO, the LSBC and the Barreau du Québec. 

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