IP management strategies for universities and R&D organisations

Tech Transfer and Innovation in the GCC

49 minutes de lecture
29 novembre 2022


In this webinar the panel discussed best practices for managing and evaluating research outcomes and IP, considerations for patent filing strategies and ways to optimise patent portfolio management.

We were pleased to receive some great questions from the audience during the webinar, including:

  • If you are looking to keep costs down and move a PCT patent application along at a reasonable pace, do you recommend a particular office for the International Search Report (ISR)?
  • How are the ISR's coming from Singapore competing with more traditional/established jurisdictions?
  • How do you handle the situation where a researcher is pressing to file fast "because the field is very hot" but you haven't had a chance to do a satisfactory review ahead of a filing decision?
  • Increasingly there are several if not dozens of named inventors on an academic disclosure. What is the best way to cull non-inventive named inventors?
  • Can an AI be an author or inventor? If so is there a jurisdiction that is more open to it?

Frequently asked questions

Other webinars in this series

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Propriété intellectuelle