23 mai 2023

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Infringement of intellectual property can take many forms on line including sale of counterfeit products, copying websites, or registering a domain name using an existing brand name.

So what can business do to mitigate the risk of infringement and stop the infringement if and when it does occur?

In this IP Basics podcast, Zoe Pearman, in our Brands, Advertising and Designs team (which is part of our Intellectual Property Team) provides useful hints and tips for businesses on dealing with brand infringement online, how to become aware of it and the steps and strategies to follow mitigate risk.

Listen to the edpisode to find out more or read our recent article on how to protect your brand online.

Listen to more episodes from our Intellectual Property podcast

Subscribe to 'Intellectual Property' on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts


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