International business guides

Doing business in China

China has a complex business landscape but can provide sizeable returns on investment for companies which both inform themselves of the many laws, regulations and policies governing their business activities in china, and know their Chinese business partners.

The appeal of the Chinese market stems in part from its status as the world's second biggest economy on a GDP basis after the United States. China has sizeable untapped and/or underserved domestic market demand for various goods and services in industries such as healthcare, life sciences, intelligent manufacturing, high-tech services, education and green energy, among others.

Our business guide explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the Chinese market, the legal system, and top tips for establishing a business in China. If you would like to speak to anyone from Gowling WLG about this guide, please contact Jamie Rowlands.

Download our doing business in China guide

The guide explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the Chinese market, the legal system, and top tips for establishing a business in China.
