Wendy J. Wagner
Co-chef, Groupe national Cybersécurité et protection des données
The old adage "knowledge is power" is true now more than ever. It is widely known that sensitive research areas have become key assets for foreign governments looking for insight into Canada's innovation and industry sectors (see CSIS Annual Report, 2022, p 14). These trends were recently publicly acknowledged by the head of Canada's Security and Intelligence Service.
In these critical times, universities and colleges are being encouraged to mitigate their exposure to foreign influence and protect their research interests. In some cases, the absence of mitigation measures could adversely impact research funding opportunities, integrity and more importantly, academic reputation.
Some research areas are regulated through legislation and regulation. For example, where research is related to military/defence, conventional weapons and dual-use goods, and technology is being transferred beyond Canadian borders, researchers may be subject to the permit regime under the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA), which regulates exports and transfers of items on the Export Control List and other lists. Research involving nuclear items and associated technology may also be subject to the EIPA, as well as the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Import and Export Control Regulations. Similarly, research related to items on the Controlled Goods List under the Defence Production Act (including primarily military/defence items as well as all ITAR-controlled U.S. origin items), may also be subject to the requirements established by the Controlled Goods Program, which requires registration based on mere possession of the item, even in circumstances where the technology will stay wholly within Canada.
Additionally, research partnerships with institutions and/or researchers located within any of the countries against which Canada has imposed economic sanctions pursuant to the Special Economic Measures Act or the United Nations Act require particular care and scrutiny. These initiatives require screening to ensure that no activities are occurring with sanctioned persons and entities, and that the research does not result in a sanctions violation, for example, by making goods available to a sanctioned party or by transferring/exporting technology and technical data that is captured on additional lists of restricted items imposed under the sanctions regimes.
Considering Canada's frequent collaborations with U.S.-based researchers on research that has a connection to the U.S., such as those involving U.S.-origin technology, thought leaders must also be aware that these partnerships could implicate the complex United States export control and sanctions regime, which often applies extraterritorially to activities that occur wholly within other countries. The U.S. regime is rigorously enforced and carries severe penalties.
Other research areas can be murkier. These tend to be areas involving goods and technologies that may be dual use in a broad sense (due to potential use for both military and civilian purposes), but that may not be specifically listed on Canada's Export Control List – perhaps due to their newness and/or stage of development (e.g. nanotechnology). However, the Government of Canada Guidelines applicable to research are broader than strict legal requirements, and therefore require precise analysis in case-by-case scenarios.
The National Security Guidelines for research partnerships have been offered as a framework for research institutions doing research in sensitive (e.g. critical infrastructure, big data, critical minerals) or dual-use areas. The Guidelines are meant to be general in nature, but they are designed to encourage transparency in research. They include academic freedom, institutional autonomy, freedom of expression, equity, diversity and inclusion, research in the public interest, transparency, integrity and collaboration. It is expected that, where research projects do not bear these hallmarks, some due diligence is required to ensure that one is not embroiled in research that is intended to enhance foreign interference efforts.
Annex A of the Guidelines lists a host of sensitive areas of research that may also be considered dual-use, include but are not limited to:
Notably, many technologies that fall within the scope of the categories above will be subject to legal restrictions in the form of export controls, while others may not be due to comprising more general research or due to their pre-application stage of development.
"Sensitive" technologies as referenced in the Guidelines are always in a state of flux depending on perceived vulnerabilities, and currently include research areas such as critical minerals and infrastructure, and research that relies on personal data or large datasets.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada offers an assessment form that can be filled out by researchers to request due diligence checks. There are no set service standards for feedback following the completion of these forms.
Academic institutions should think critically about mitigating risk while not undermining their academic freedom and research integrity. In doing so, below are 10 considerations you should reflect on when forging research partnerships in sensitive or (broadly speaking) dual-use areas:
For specific legal advice as to whether your research would constitute a sensitive or dual-use purpose, please contact one of the authors.
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