Mining in Focus: Latin America

25 minutes de lecture
07 juin 2022

Stretching from the southern tip of Argentina to the southern US border, Latin America is home to some of the world's largest and most valuable deposits of metals and minerals.

Naturally, there is a lot to consider when undertaking a mining project in a massive and geopolitically diverse market. That's why Gowling WLG is here to assist.

If you're in the exploration or development stage of a project in Latin America, or a mining company simply looking for guidance on how to navigate various Latin American jurisdictions, we're sure you'll find this brief video series particularly helpful.

Remember, when entering or operating in any foreign market, choosing the right legal team can be crucial to your venture's success. Watch the videos below to learn more, or reach out to begin a conversation with our mining team.

Part 1: Listing your mining company with LatAm projects in Canada

Part 2: M&A related tips

Part 3: Key operating issues in Latin America

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Droit minier, Critical minerals