
Frequently asked questions

Looking for more information?

Check out some of our commonly asked questions and answers below. If you'd like to speak with us directly, please feel free to reach out to any of our recruitment contacts.

Additional tips

timeline icon light blue Be yourself at all times — in your application package and during the interview process.

timeline icon light blue Proofread. Have someone else review your cover letter and résumé. Typos can move an otherwise fabulous application to the bottom of the pile.

timeline icon light blue Include your contact information on both the cover letter and each page of your résumé.

timeline icon light blue When signing your name at the bottom of your cover letter, or in your email signature, include your pronouns of choice.

timeline icon light blue Do not bother with high quality, expensive or fancy paper. Firms will make numerous copies of your résumé and so it is an unnecessary expense. Résumés can also be paper-clipped instead of stapled as it will be easier for firms to copy.

timeline icon light blue Have an extra copy of your application package on hand.

timeline icon light blue Talk to lots of people: fellow students, current summer / articling students, firm directors of recruitment.

timeline icon light blue Use your school's career services office — they are an invaluable resource.

timeline icon light blue Attend law school / firm seminars on the recruitment process.

timeline icon light blue Don't be late for an interview and give yourself extra time to arrive at the firm. If you must be late, ensure that you call ahead to explain.

timeline icon light blue Make sure you plan in advance how you are getting from office to office and get familiar with the firm's various locations. It will save you time and possible frustration during the interview process.

timeline icon light blue Wear comfortable shoes — don't wear new shoes for the first time on interview day!



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